Locate A Lender
In order to process your downpayment, loan officers must be trained in the Pima Tucson Homebuyers Solution Program.
Check out the map of companies who have at least one trained lender on their team. Download a complete list by clicking here.
May We Recommend...
The below companies have at least one PTHS trained lender on their team and use the program frequently.
Be sure to double-check your loan officer has been certified in the Pima Tucson Homebuyers Solution Program before you begin your lending process.
Locate A Lender
The map shows companies who have at least one PTHS trained lender on their team.
We do our best to keep this list up-to-date and accurate but changes to happen occasionally; be sure to double-check your lender has been certified in the Pima Tucson Homebuyers Solution Program before you begin your lending process.
If you have more questions about locating a trained lender, contact us.